Society of the Friends of
St. Patrick of Troy, NY
Troy, New York celebrating together for 118 years
The original 1906 luncheon, was known to have taken place at the home of Troy Lodge No 141 B. P. 0. Elks on March 17, 1906.
"The blood of all the races of man commingle here in a composite stream. We are fused and formed into a new harmonious national force - the American Republic.***
"All we ask is equality for us and ours. He who demands more, or takes less, is no true American."
Hon. Patrick A. Collins '1912'
The Dinner is scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2025 at Franklin Terrace Ballroom, Campbell Avenue Troy, NY, 6 PM reception, 7 PM dinner .
Contact Us
The Society of the Friends of St. Patrick of Troy
278 Pawling Avenue, Apt. 1
Troy, NY 12180